# 参考文献
Application Note – Calling CST Studio from Matlab.pdf
# 参考视频
# 视频
CST 进阶之路 ——MATLAB-CST 联合仿真(入门)
CST 进阶之路 ——MATLAB-CST 联合仿真(建模与仿真)
CST 进阶之路 ——MATLAB-CST 联合仿真(阵列分析与综合)
# 视频中的代码
# 建模仿真
# 阵列分析与综合
# VBA 指令转为 Matlab
# VBA 指令
With Brick | |
.Reset .Name “Brick1” | |
.Component “component1” | |
.Xrange “0”, “1” | |
.Yrange “0”, “1” | |
.Zrange “0”, “1” | |
.Material “Vacuum” | |
.Create | |
End With |
# Matlab 指令
brick = invoke(mws, 'Brick'); | |
% create a brick in MWS invoke(brick, 'Reset'); | |
invoke(brick, 'Name', 'Brick1'); | |
invoke(brick, 'Component', 'component1'); | |
invoke(brick, 'Xrange', '0', '1'); | |
invoke(brick, 'Yrange', '0', '1'); | |
invoke(brick, 'Zrange', '0', '1'); | |
invoke(brick, 'Material', 'Vacuum'); | |
invoke(brick, 'Create'); | |
% ... possibly create other bricks here release(brick); | |
% if several bricks need to be created, the pair of commands brick = invoke(mws, 'Brick')and release(brick) only need to be issued once. |
# 常用指令
Useful commands – some examples
P4, Application Note – Calling CST Studio from Matlab.pdf
# 实例
launch CST, open an existing model, solve, save
Open an MWS file, perform a parameter study, store a result in a Matlab vector
P5, Application Note – Calling CST Studio from Matlab.pdf